Saturday, December 01, 2007

Some changes to note

Pōhutukawa, the New Zealand Christmas tree

Hi everyone,

There are a couple of important developments to report. First off, wanted to let everyone know that we have terminated our VOIP phone line (the one with the Atlanta number). We decided to do this after reviewing the monthly cost of using the service when compared to using a standard long-distance/international phone card. Turns out it's cheaper to just use a phone card. So, we will still be able to call the States with the same frequency. However you will not be able to call us on that number any more. For those of you that have been calling, this will be just as well since we often did not remember to check our messages on the VOIP anyway and this was immensely frustrating for you. For those of you who did not call anyway, then this doesn't affect you anyhow. I am researching phone cards to recommend for those of you (Moms and Dads being the target audience here) that will want to call.

In about 3 weeks, we are moving to Miramar. It''s a suburb on the edge of Wellington, probably most notable for being the area where Peter Jackson's various film studios are based. We're renting a very nice (and big) house out there. It's got three bedrooms, a beautiful kitchen, lots of sun, and a great patio out back for BBQs. The added space and accommodation will be handy for any overseas visitors in 2008.

We're going to have to adjust to some changes. Most notably, we'll no longer be able to walk everywhere. Wellington does have a good public transit system and we're going to give it a go. Not only is it more environmentally friendly, but because the buses have their own tunnel, they circumvent a lot of the rush hour traffic. Yes, even Wellington has it's share of rush hour traffic. Seems it's unavoidable no matter where you are!

Suburban living is in our future if we stay in Wellington, so it's just as well that we're taking this course of action. It's really just a matter of what kind of neighborhood we'll live in (by this, I mean purchase). Living in Miramar is going to give us a taste of 'coastal' living. The place has an almost Mediterranean feel to it. And there are some great beaches and shore sights all around the Miramar peninsula. I am looking forward to exploring it. In the end, we may decide that we prefer living in the bush-clad foothills (such as Karori or Brooklyn) instead of the flat coastal areas (like Miramar, Seatoun and Island Bay). Who knows...the only way to find out is by trying them on.

I'll post some pix of the place once we get in. We're scheduled to move in on the 23rd, so will spend most of our Christmas season in transit.




Ian said...

Congratulations on the move-I think that you will enjoy the space, and Miramar is not that far from the City Center!!
If I remember correctly, Rosemarie and family lived there while Peter worked at the airport.
Anyway, enjoy!.

Marrisa said...

Moving on the 23rd?! Jeez there is nothing like cutting it close to xmas! We currently live in Owhiro Bay and as you know (if you read the latest few posts) we will be moving to thats outside the city!!!

We hope your move goes really well, looking forward to seeing some photos!