Thursday, March 29, 2007

How to speak Kiwi

I have been meaning to post something fun about how New Zealand English differs from American English. Our friend Dawn, herself a new immigrant to NZ (that's "N" and "Zed", mind you) has beat me to it! So, I am going to be lazy and point you to her blog post on the topic!

In other news, all is well Down Under. The weather is getting bit dodgy as Windy Welly begins to show her true colours again. But, we are well prepared with our heavy winter gear standing by.


Arthur Schenck said...

Hi there, thanks for this pointer, and thanks especially for the link! I've added you as well. Reading your blog (and Dawn's blog, too) has reminded me of my early days in NZ (11 years ago), including things I'd completely forgotten about. Thanks for helping me to remember that!

It sounds like you're settling in well. I look forward to your further adventures and perspectives!

WS said...

It is always good to see a fellow American, but in particular it is encouraging to find the rare ones that have managed to live here for longer than a few years. Not that NZ is particularly hard to live in (though there are challenges, to be sure) but rather it's simply that most people from the U.S. don't plan to stay for really long terms.

At any rate, glad we could give you some nostalgia. I have enjoyed reading your site as well, particularly your political observations. Let us hope that "they" don't manage to infiltrate Kiwi society the way they did ours. I've gotten enough dosage of religious fundamentalism to last my lifetime, thanks very much.



Jessica said...

It's not the words that get me so much as the accent. All the vowels sound like "ih" to me. When we were looking at houses, the agents kept telling me when houses had a "nice, big deck" and it was difficult to keep a straight face (or maybe I'm childish).