Knowing that I am feeling a bit homesick, S made me this very tasty pumpkin pie. Notice the crust - also made from scratch - since they don't sell pre-made pie crusts at the supermarket in NZ. It came out perfect! ~W
The word Aotearoa is most often translated as "Land of the long white cloud", although this is but one of several possible translations. Literally, the terms which make up the name are Ao (cloud), tea (white), and roa (long). In Fall, 2006, Stacey and I will be moving to this place, and this site is intended to be a record of our adventures...
Lucky you-Thansgiving arrived early!!
Happy Pumpkin Pie!!!
I am curious about the big move to NZ. I have just about reached GAME OVER point in Los Angeles. I am a desirable career (licensed psychologist) and can be recruited to New Zealand with minimal difficulty.
Is it really worth all the trouble? Would you do it again? What would you do differently? My biggest worry is the trip itself for my 2 kitties...
Any insight would be appreciated!
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