Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas from Down Under

To all our friends and family back home (and those of you over here as well)!, just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

This is our tree, a cheerful little plastic job that cost us $12.99NZ at the Warehouse ("where everyone gets a bargain"). For those of you who have known us long enough, this tree will remind you of the 'old' days when Stacey had a similar one she kept up all year long in our apartment off Lindbergh Street, around the time we first met. Who could have guessed back then where we'd be today? Never in a million years had you asked me then would I have thought New Zealand (I would have been lucky to find it on a map!).

As we approach 4.6 months into this adventure, there is cause to stop and evaluate things thus far. I will be posting some more detailed thoughts on this in the next week. In the meantime, hope everyone reading this is doing well and enjoying some much-deserved time off!


William & Stacey

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